To Pomegranate Seeds
West Ambrose
Place a thin, white piece of flesh on my tongue.
I am lapsed, languid, hell-bent on learning
the curves of Persephone’s willing plunge,
arched heel to stained lips parted by yearning,
From Autumn’s strong hands through the fairest curls;
tumbling, spilling over bare shoulders; loose--
loose at last! Frost-bared shivering unfurls;
no reprimand of wildness or truce,
To bare feet on evening’s grass, then marbled
palace filled with darkest pleasures, dripping
rain-water and yew on silk sheets; startled
the dense quiet, unrobed secrets slipping;
To kneel, to pry, caress and softly pray;
silver dagger, skim to part the flushed rind
ripely swollen, aril on their display;
submerge the albedo and feast on Time;
Crimson flowing, blood and wine might allay,
but this drink--drunk without rest, bodies twined,
Lecter-esque metaphysical ballet,
lashes, whips, and handkerchiefs used to bind;
Swill, swallow, and soaking; sweetly sung screams;
and here Night warbled forever without
the Daylight’s sternness scolding, spurning dreams;
no fruit neglected, gardener devout,
Tended to as she had tended flowers,
more Tender than her mother’s jealous Greed;
nurtured, cradled, and let roam free her hours;
talked with, debated, and gave her such deed
To rule beside and above when chosen;
to sit beside, never behind; her throne
made of evergreen sighs– Ambrosian,
where clear she speaks, her voice a jeweled, blue tone:
“Come hither, Darkling, dearest to my heart.
You learn so well and learn so quick, yet still
have more to learn tonight, my sweet larkspur--”
She said. No other would dare brave such will,
Queen of Hell, with sure plans to tear apart;
Tyrant, goddess, and gentle destroyer:
“Undress. Put that mouth to good use, you tart,”
and brought me down on my knees before her.
West Ambrose is a scrivener and performing artist. Check out his ever queer works at If you want anything published in The HLK quarterly or The Crow’s Nest, just ring for the masthead, and let them know.