Two Pieces

Louis Faber


In the space 

of a moment

a universe

can be engulfed

light pours forth

from a black hole

suns rise

over the event horizon

space curves in

on itself

until it is yesterday

Schrodinger’s cat

feasts on Albert’s twins

the dice 

are just

out of reach.


The universe is both

enormously vast

measurable only in metaphor

and so infinitesimally small,

an idea 

that would fit

in the corner

of a grain of sand.

As you walk the beach

grasp universes

between your toes

and kick them

into the tide

of the cosmos.

Louis Faber is a widely published poet living in Florida with wife and cat (their editor). Published in a bunch of places (geo and journal) including Litmora, Atlanta Review, Glimpse, Sublimation, and a bunch of places you’ve never heard of. He has a blog at Come for a visit.