To Be
Christina Brannon
Life is beautiful ugly
The tragedy of being born,
The glory of being alive.
What would life look like on other planets-
Would I not be so heartbroken at the empty space where your car was parked
on Pluto.
Pluto gets beautiful ugly,
It’s planet is-ness to was-ness
Overnight, one detail erases magnitudes.
You check your phone and
life as you know it ends.
I looked at you and now I can
never look at you again.
How long until we forget the little is/was planet-
How long until I’ve forgotten what I tried to.
A plastic duck in the bathtub, a shark attack,
Who chooses-
A first kiss, a bomb.
The lottery begins again
Every morning we open our eyes.
We will all die on someone’s first birthday.
For Christmas I asked to call my dad-
reception just beyond Pluto, to the place of being born-ness, is-ness/was-ness.
A psychic told me he wants me to have
a northern light projector from
Amazon Prime-
Fake stars would totally make this better.
Should I get my lips done before or after I go to the cemetery.
When I throw myself to the ground I am the same age as Pluto’s discoverer,
But I haven’t found anything besides
a few wet records in the garage.
The vessel that searches Pluto is the size of a grand piano-
how many times did you ask me to play and I said no.
Can I be seen from space when I look at the empty parking space-
Does crying sound like music to someone
3 billion miles away-
I have a place to park now, before I didn’t-
Could it be beautiful elsewhere,
Things that are ugly.
Christina Brannon is a nonprofit professional from New York City. She earned her Master’s from The New School in Nonprofit Management. As a Little Free Librarian and senior dog enthusiast, Christina's long nights of writing and sorting through children's books are made sweeter with Petey, her blind dog and manager, on her lap.